The Importance of Regular Contact Lens Exams

Contact lenses provide freedom from glasses for many people. They are convenient and easy to use. But contact lenses are medical devices. They need proper care to keep your eyes healthy. Regular contact lens exams by your eye doctor are essential. This blog explains why these exams matter. It also covers what to expect during an exam and tips to care for your eyes between exams.

Why Regular Contact Lens Exams Matter


Eyes Change Over Time

Your eyes change gradually over months and years. These small changes can add up. So even if vision seems fine, your actual prescription changes. Outdated prescriptions cause blurred vision, strain, and headaches. Updating your prescription requires a new exam. These checkups ensure lenses fit right to give you clear, comfortable sight.

Prevent Problems

Lenses sit right on the eyes, increasing the risk of irritation and infection. Exams allow early detection of issues. Finding problems early prevents major complications. It also keeps eyes healthy long-term. Think of exams as preventative maintenance for your eyesight.

Monitor Vision Changes

Eyesight can naturally worsen over time. Medical conditions like diabetes also impact vision. Regular exams catch developing vision issues early on. Your eye doctor will then take steps to slow further deterioration.

Evaluate Lens Comfort

Ill-fitting lenses grow uncomfortable over months of wear. Checkups assess the current fit. Catching minor comfort issues now prevents problems from worsening over time.

Find Tearing or Dryness

Lenses can irritate your eyes over time, causing excess tearing or dryness. Contact lens exams spot early symptoms for prompt treatment, preventing chronic problems.

Assess Overall Eye Health

Eye doctors check the whole eye structure during exams. They gauge overall ocular health, not just how sharp your vision is. Comprehensive assessment protects long-term eye wellness.

What Happens During Exams

·      Vision Testing: The doctor checks if your prescription needs adjustment. They test current visual sharpness and determine if your vision has changed slightly.

·      Eye Health Check: The doctor thoroughly examines eye health. They look for early signs of infection, dryness, or damage. Catching issues early is essential.

·      Lens Evaluation: Existing lenses get checked for fit and comfort. Doctors ensure lenses suit eye health needs.

·      Discussion: Ask the doctor questions about eye health and contact lenses. Share any vision concerns, too. This is when doctors offer guidance on proper lens use.

The exams take around 30 minutes. They ensure the lenses correct your vision and your eye health is good.

Caring for Eyes Between Exams

·      Follow the recommended wearing schedule: Doctors give instructions on the wearing schedule, like how many hours a day and when to remove lenses. You must follow their advice for healthy eyes.

·      Clean your lenses properly: Proper cleaning prevents irritation. Rubbing and rinsing remove protein buildup and debris. Use the solution recommended by your doctor.

·      Do not sleep with your lenses on: Bacteria and infection risks go up when sleeping with lenses. Take them out before bed for safety.

·      See your eye doctor if issues arise: Redness, pain, or blurred vision signal a problem. Promptly remove lenses and see your eye doctor. Listen to what your eyes are saying.

Contacts unlock freedom and flexibility for active lifestyles. But responsible use protects your precious vision long-term. Regular exams catch minor issues before they become serious threats to your eye health. Simple precautions between exams help, too. Follow your eye doctor’s guidance, address problems promptly, and nurture healthy vision with excellent contact lens habits. Your eyes will stay happy and healthy for years.

For more on contact lens exams, visit Bluehouse Eyecare at our office in Closter, New Jersey. Call (201) 768-2020 to schedule an appointment today.
